By default, Diaro only displays a large entry date in the entries list The Entry date style can be changed to display a smaller date. 1. Go to the app’s Settings 2. Click on Preferences 3. Click on the Entry date style and select Small date 4. A small entry date will now be displayed […]
Category: Diaro app for Android
How to use Diaro App for Android
How do I sort folders / tags / location lists?
1. Folders, tags and locations lists may be sorted alphabetically or by entries count. To change the sort order, click on the 3 dots icon in the header section and select “Sort by entries count” 2. To change back to alphabetical order, tap on the 3 dots icon again and select “Sort alphabetically”
How do I clear all the selected filters?
1. To clear all the selected filters (search keyword, date, folder, tags, locations) click on the Home icon in the side menu 2. Different filters can be cleared by clicking on the clear icon in the Date, Folders, Tags or Location header section. Filters can be cleared from the line above the entries list, too.
How do I filter entries by tag?
1. Select the tags that you want to filter your entries by By default, Diaro will show you entries having ANY of the selected tags. 2. If you only want to see entries that have ALL the selected tags, click on the 3 dots icon in the Tags header and choose “Filter by all tags”
How do I filter the entries using the calendar?
1. Entries list can be filtered by date or date range using a calendar in the side menu. If you click on a day in the calendar, entries will be filtered by this day. Tapping on the same day again will instead clear the filter 2. The FROM and TO dates are shown below the […]
How do I change the background color/pattern of an entry?
The entry background color/pattern may be changed by setting it for a folder first. 1. Go to folder edit view by clicking on the 3 dots icon on the right side of the folder 2. Select the background color and the pattern All entries assigned to this folder will have the background color and pattern […]
How do I edit or delete a folder / tag / location?
1. Click on the 3 dots icon on the right side of the folder / tag / location to open the actions menu with the options to edit or delete it
How do I create a new folder, tag or location?
1. Click on the “+” icon in the side menu on the right side of the Folders / Tags / Locations header.
How do I delete an entry?
1. Click on the entry in the entries list 2. Click on the 3 dots icon located in the top right corner 3. In the actions popup menu select Delete To delete multiple entries 1. You can enable multi-selection by tapping on the 3 dots icon in the entries list’s window 2. Select the entries […]
How do I edit an entry?
1. Click on the entry in the entries list 2. Click on the entry title / text, or use the edit button 3. Edit